Saturday, May 9, 2009

Greatest Hits and Communism

I was shopping in Family Christian today for Mothers' Day and saw that Greatest Hits albums of famous Christian artists that actually deserve it are being produced under one uniform label (not record label, but title). Similarly, I saw several two-for-one packs of CDs under one standard formatting. I decided to buy the Petra double pack instead of a Stryper DVD.
This is an example of the Great Dichotomy. The artist in me thinks that total creative freedom is intrinsic and necessary to a good life and culture, while the logic side of me regards uniformity as very convenient and organized. Thing is, these Christian artists have both. Steven Curtis Chapman has released a few Greatest Hits albums (he is certainly entitled to with all his hits) and this uniform format released the most popular songs for people that have heard that name and a few songs on but want more. The library often buys Greatest Hits albums in parallel economic spirit, and I have borrowed many. The logic part of me loves monopolies, and the spirit of Uniformity Makes It Easier, but the creative side is about freedom and no rules and the philosophy of Variety Makes Life Worth Living. I will write a progressive metal epic on this bipolarity. I've been writing the music for nearly a year now.

1 comment:

RebeccaSLACK said...

wait, talk to him? do i know youu?